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6th Colloquium: Corporate Reporting

With the statement of intent by the group of five sustainability standards setters, the merger of SASB and the IIRC as well as the expanded mandate of the IFRS to include sustainability reporting, the world of corporate reporting was seen to be changing. The risks and opportunities of value creation, preservation and erosion will be seen through a lens of the world’s impacts on organisations and not only the impacts that organisations have had, and continue to have, on the world.

Early registration

If you would like to register early, you are welcome to do so. We will send you the link closer to the time.

Intended audience

This event is important for roles in every industry, including:

  • Directors, trustees, council and other governing body members – as report signatories;
  • CEOs and other top management roles – as report authorities;
  • Accounting, environmental, reputation, social and stakeholder professionals – as report contributors;
  • Audit, risk and compliance professionals – as report assurers;
  • and of course all involved in preparing corporate reports.


As has become a core advantage of our events, we are honoured to announce, again, an unprecedented panel of global thought leaders who include

  • Professor Mervyn King, Good Governance Academy Patron
  • Janine Guillot, Value Reporting Foundation CEO
  • Lee White, IFRS Foundation Executive Director
  • Mark Manning, Financial Conduct Authority UK Sustainable Finance and Stewardship
  • Dr Delphine Gibassier, Audencia
  • Tjeerd Krumpelman, ABN AMRO Global Head of Advisory, Reporting & Engagement


Attendees will be equipped to:

  • Understand the changing corporate reporting standards to include sustainability issues
  • Describe how and why corporate reporting standards bodies are collaborating and merging
  • Interpret sustainability and enterprise value creation in the context of integrated and corporate reporting

Benefits of attending

Benefits of attending this event include

  • Exposure to current, global thinking – be able to promote innovation
  • Understanding of global corporate reporting shifts – be able to remain competitive
  • Learn from the experts – be able to have questions answered by the global experts
  • Recognition of learning – be able to evidence professional learning (certificate of attendance)

The videos of the event will be available for on the community portal after the event.

When:18 November 2022 14:00
For event enquiries, please contact: