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Opportunities in the Transitioning of South African Energy Sector

The energy sector in Africa is at a challenging and exciting juncture as it transitions to both 4IR technologies and a lower carbon environment. This is against a backdrop of desperate shortages and a lack of access to basic electricity for millions of citizens. It is vital that the next generation of leaders in the energy sector are equipped with the right skills to manage these significant challenges that threaten the sustainable growth of our continent.

Siemens Energy and the African Energy Leadership Centre (AELC) at Wits Business School have joined forces to address the skills gap in African energy transition, which we believe is key to ensuring an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable energy sector in South Africa.

We cordially invite you to the first in our series of webinars on opportunities in the transitioning South African energy sector, in which we will focus on gas to power and green hydrogen.  There will be two panels of experts:

Panel 1 – Gas to Power (09:15 – 10h15)

Panel 2 – Green Hydrogen (10h30 – 11h30)

Our panellists include: Thabo Molekoa, Managing Director: Siemens Energy Southern and Eastern Africa; Maurice Radebe, Director & Head: Wits Business School; Zanele Mbatha, CEO of Bambili Group; Lwazi Ngubevana, Director of the AELC; Priscillah Mabelane, Executive Vice President - Energy Business as Sasol; Duane Mouton, Manager: Project Development at COEGA; Stanley Dorasamy, Technical Director at Siemens Energy; Jacob Mbele, Deputy Director General at the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy; Joanne Bate, Chief Operations Officer at the IDC, and Manuel Kuehn, Head of New Energy Business for Middle East and Africa at Siemens Energy.

Moderator: Ipeleng Selele, Non-Executive Director: Siemens Energy

Please register ASAP. We look forward to hosting you!

When:27 October 2021 09:00
For event enquiries, please contact: