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WBS Leadership Dialogues | State Capture and the Future of Governance in South Africa – A conversation with Themba Maseko

In the wake of the release of the first two parts of the Zondo Commission’s report into state capture, Wits Business School is pleased to invite you a conversation with Themba Maseko,former government spokesperson and state capture whistle-blower.

Maseko, author of the book For My Country – Why I blew the whistle on Zuma and the Guptas, was removed from the Zuma administration when he refused to comply with the Gupta brothers’ requests. Part I of the State Capture Inquiry report found that his removal resulted in government communications enabling instances of state capture.

A courageous and highly principled former civil servant, Maseko has recently been appointed as the director of the executive development unit at Wits School of Governance. He will be chatting to Mills Soko, Professor of International Business and Strategy at Wits Business School.

This is the first in a series of webinars that WBS will be hosting to unpack the findings of the Zondo Commission of Inquiry with a view to helping to shape the future trajectory of business-government relations in South Africa.

Don’t miss this important conversation.

When:22 February 2022 16:00
For event enquiries, please contact:

thembeka hlatshwayo: