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Doctor Lehlohonolo Tabane

Energy Leadership
Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour

Job Title
Programme Director (Executive Education) and Lecturer
Qualifications PhD in Industrial/Organisational Psychology (University of Pretoria)
Organisational Unit Wits Business School

Courses and Disciplines taught at WBS: 

Lehlohonolo has designed and facilitates a Career Management course which is part of the MBA Leadership Quest.  

Executive Education Division: Lehlohonolo has designed and delivered the following training interventions:

  • Automotive client: “Self-development & Team Effectiveness” Future Leaders’ Development Programme.
  • Insurance client: “Leading & Managing People” New Managers’ Programme.
  • Mining client: “Personal & Team Effectiveness” Senior Leaders’ Development Programme.
  • FMCG client: “Personal & Team Effectiveness” Future Leaders’ Programme.

Executive Coaching: Emerging Leader Development Program, with a focus on Gender inclusivity training (group and individual interventions).

Other Teaching Experience:

  • Leading Doctoral seminars.
  • Postgraduate workshop design and facilitation: Lehlohonolo designed and delivered a research proposal writing workshop, based on the Methodology Chapter. This workshop targeted MCom Human Resource Management and Industrial Psychology students.
  • She lectured experienced nursing professionals and inexperienced undergraduate students. Students were introduced to case studies on workplace health issues that practitioners face and the management thereof.

Research Interests: 

Management and leadership development; organisational behaviour and organisational development; women in the workplace; and vocational psychology.


Industry and Professional Experience: 

Lehlohonolo is a practitioner-scholar interested in the interface between business education (management & leadership development) and Organisational psychology. She is the Programme Director (Executive Education Division) for two corporate clients in the Automotive and Insurance sectors. Additionally, she designs and delivers bespoke training interventions for executives, based on their developmental needs.

Lehlohonolo is a registered Industrial/Organisational Psychologist (HPCSA) and holds a PhD in the discipline. The title of her thesis is “Assessing the effect of management education on vocational behaviour”.  Her approach as a consultant and subject-matter expert is to empower employees (leaders, managers, subordinates) by enabling them to understand what happens to and around them in the organisational context.

Psycho-legal assessment for employability: Lehlohonolo collaborates with medical experts and lawyers, towards the assessment and compensation of clients who have been injured in motor-vehicle accidents or have suffered medical negligence.

Psychometric testing and assessment applied for the following purposes: personality assessment and interest measurement for career guidance and counselling; when selecting candidates into the MBA, MM & PDM programmes; as well as vocational assessment at the school level (grade 8 – grade 12 learners)

She is a Full Member of SIOPSA (Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology).

Recent Publications and Scholarly Contributions: 

Lehlohonolo’s scholarly contribution thus far is her doctoral thesis, the title of which is “Assessing the effect of management education on vocational behaviour”. The crux of this longitudinal study is the impact of management education on the vocational behaviour of post-graduate management students (MBA/MBL and Specialised Masters).

Other Scholarly Contributions: 

  • February 2017: Lehlohonolo was awarded the NRF Scarce Skills Doctoral Scholarship, valued at R120 000 per annum for the duration of her research project.
  • 2017 Academy of Management (AOM) Research Methods Division Consortium: Lehlohonolo was selected as part of a group of over 140 participants representing 26 countries internationally. The consortium is a virtual, real-time, multi-day event. Selected candidates are given the opportunity to interact with leading scholars and methodologists across three perspectives: macro-quantitative, micro-quantitative, and qualitative.
  • Lehlohonolo served as an ad hoc reviewer for the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (SAJIP).