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Professor Jones Odei Mensah

Finance and Accounting

Job Title
Senior Lecturer and Director: Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Business Administration).
Qualifications PhD (Economics), Masters (Economics), University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei; Bachelor, with Honours (Economics), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Ghana.
Organisational Unit Wits Business School

Courses and Disciplines taught at WBS: 

Economics for Business; Finance and Investment Decisions; Applied Financial Econometrics; Time Series Analysis. Jones Mensah also teaches on Executive Education programmes including MAP, IEDP, ISLDP, EDP.

Other Teaching Experience: 

Jones spearheaded the running of workshops on advanced econometric techniques, such as Copula Models, Wavelets, Regime Switching Models, Panel Data Analysis, etc. across various institutions in Ghana, including Kumasi Technical University, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA).

Research Interests: 

Intersection of finance and macroeconomics; in particular, financial market interdependence and systemic risk; investment, market performance and asset diversification; economic growth and policy stabilisation.


Industry and Professional Experience: 

Jones has a solid track record in capacity building and continuous professional development gained through his positions as Director of Training at the African Review of Economics and Finance (AREF) Consult. He has been a consultant to several major institutions, including the African Export-Import Bank (AFREXIMBANK), the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), KPMG, among others.

Recent Publications and Scholarly Contributions: 

Kumah, S. P., & Odei-Mensah, J. (2021). Can altcoins become viable alternatives to African fiat currencies? International Journal of Development Issues, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (

Fasanya, I. O., Oyewole, O., Adekoya, O. B., & Odei-Mensah, J. (2021). Dynamic spillovers and connectedness between COVID-19 pandemic and global foreign exchange markets. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34(1), 2059-2084.

Kumah, S. P., & Odei-Mensah, J. (2021). Are cryptocurrencies and African stock markets integrated? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 81, 330-341.

Enwereuzoh, P. A., Odei-Mensah, J., & Junior, P. O. (2021). Crude oil shocks and African stock markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 55, 101346.

Kumah, S. P., & Mensah, J. O. (2020). Are cryptocurrencies connected to gold? A waveletbased quantileinquantile approach. International Journal of Finance & Economics. (

Mensah, J. O., & Premaratne, G. (2019). Exploring diversification benefits in Asian equity markets. The Singapore Economic Review, 64(03), 517-542.

Obeng-Odoom, F., Mensah, J. O., & Botha, F. (2019). The African Review of Economics and Finance: Past, present, and future. African Review of Economics and Finance, 11(2), 3-18.

Leukes, C., & Mensah, J. O. (2019). Systemic risk contribution of financial institutions in South Africa. African Review of Economics and Finance, 11(2), 188-218.

Alagidede, P., Mensah, J. O., & Ibrahim, M. (2018). Optimal deficit financing in a constrained fiscal space in Ghana. African Development Review, 30(3), 291-303.

Mensah, J. O., & Premaratne, G. (2018). Integration of ASEAN banking sector stocks. Journal of Asian Economics, 59, 48-60.

Mensah, J. O., & Premaratne, G. (2018). Dependence patterns among Asian banking sector stocks: A copula approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 45, 357-388.

Alagidede, P., & Mensah, J. O. (2018). Construction institutions and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa. African Review of Economics and Finance, 10(1), 136-163.

Mensah, J. O., & Premaratne, G. (2017). Systemic interconnectedness among Asian banks. Japan and the World Economy, 41, 17-33.

Mensah, J. O., & Premaratne, G. (2017). Dependence patterns among Asian banking sector stocks: A copula approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 41, 516-546.

Mensah, J. O., & Alagidede, P. (2017). How are Africa's emerging stock markets related to advanced markets? Evidence from copulas. Economic Modelling, 60, 1-10.

Ijasan, K., Tweneboah, G., & Mensah, J. O. (2017). Anti-persistence and long-memory behaviour of SAREITs. Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 35(4), 356-368.

Other Scholarly Contributions: 

Journal Editor: African Review of Economics and Finance; Ghanaian Journal of Economics; Colombo Business Journal (International editor).  

Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Comparative Management; Journal of African Political Economy & Development.

Academic Conference Organising:

Chair and Convenor of the 2019 African Review of Economics and Finance Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 29–30. 2019 (with Imhotep Alagidede and Franklin Obeng-Odoom).

Chair and Convenor of the 2018 African Review of Economics and Finance Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 22–23, 2018 (with Imhotep Alagidede and Franklin Obeng-Odoom).

Scientific Committee Member and Session Chair of the 2017 African Review of Economics and Finance Conference, Accra, Ghana, August 30–31, 2017.

Scientific Committee Member and Session Chair of the 2016 African Review of Economics and Finance Conference, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, August 2016.

Committee Memberships: 

WBS Steering Committee; Postgraduate Committee; Teaching and Learning Committee; Transformation & Employment Equity Committee.

Recent Media: 

August 2019, interview on Classic 1027, Education feature: The world of work for graduates. (