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Posted 10 March 2023

WBS signs MOU with Strathmore Business School

Members of the Wits Business School (WBS) executive management team undertook a trip to Strathmore Business School (SBS) in Nairobi, Kenya, to establish relations for academic collaboration and cooperation. The trip was sealed with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two schools to develop a strategic partnership and strengthen collaboration in a number of areas, including student and faculty exchanges, executive education, PhD supervision and capacity building, case writing, global study tours, alumni relations, partnerships, internationalisation, and general operations.

The WBS delegation comprised of Professor Mills Soko, Director of Development and Partnerships, as well as Mr Setumo Llale, Director of Operations. The delegation was hosted by the Executive Dean of the Strathmore Business School (and a proud WBS MBA alumnus of 1993) Dr Caesar Mwangi and several of his faculty colleagues.

Speaking about the initiative, Professor Soko stressed the importance of the strategic partnership between the two institutions. “We are excited about the relations we have created with Strathmore Business School, and we wish to reiterate our commitment to forge comprehensive and deep cooperation with the school,” a sentiment which was also echoed by Dr Mwangi and his colleagues.

The signing of the MOU between WBS and SBS cemented the already solid working relationship SBS has with the WBS’s Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI) which is led by Professor Bheki Moyo. “WBS has collaborated with Strathmore on a range of programmes, including the MasterCard Foundation initiative and PhD capacity building”, said Soko.

By Medupi Lamola, Marketing & Communication Manager, Wits Business School