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26 July 2023

Patrick Klostermann

The PDBA gave me confidence in multiple disciplines and changed the way I view the world, business, and those I live and work with. The growth I experienced was tangible and intoxicating and has only intensified my hunger for knowledge. What you put in is what you get out!

26 July 2023

Jakubose Sibanda

The programme has made me earn respect in many aspects of my professional career as I mix with well renowned industry experts. Currently I am busy working towards publishing a few articles through the guidance of experienced academies within the faculty. As a result of my undertaking of this programme I have had an opportunity to pursue a PhD program within WBS and I have got promotion at work that includes managing the relationships we have with numerous asset management companies.

26 July 2023

Palesa Nonkwelo

The MMENVC did wonders for my confidence in executing my business ideas. I was challenged in every lecture to identify my capabilities and make use of my available resources to solve problems. The greatest part has been the invaluable lifelong friendships and business connections forged with my classmates and professors that I will forever be grateful for.

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