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08 August 2023

IT Governance Background Note

With IT playing an ever more fundamental role in daily business activity, there is a growing acknowledgement that IT influences organisational success. Businesses rely on IT for competitive advantage, but often board and management expectations of IT are not aligned with reality. A deluge of virus attacks and the ominous threat of personal liability for failure to take reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable IT risk have businesses in a panic over improving IT governance.

08 August 2023

Remgro: Distributing its Tobacco Interests

It was December 2009, just over a year since Remgro Limited (Remgro) had completed the distribution of its indirect shareholding in British American Tobacco plc (BAT): 90% of its shares had gone to its shareholders, while the balance of 10% went to a new investment vehicle listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, called Reinet Investments. The shares received by Remgro in Reinet Investments were also distributed to its shareholders.

08 August 2023

Reel Gardening: Making a Profit to Fight Poverty

On 1 July 2013 Claire Reid, founder and director of Reel Gardening, a manufacturer of prefertilised vegetable and herb seed strips, met with Emily Jones, head of Reel Life, the community-focused arm of Reel Gardening. Reel Life aimed to address food security in South Africa by helping low-income communities plant food gardens using Reel Gardening’s products. Reid was concerned that Reel Gardening was not making the profits it needed to fund the growth she envisaged for Reel Life.

08 August 2023

IT Outsourcing at Old Mutual

It was almost three years since the South African subsidiary of the London-listed financial services organisation, Old Mutual (OMSA), had signed an information technology infrastructure outsource contract with CSC. Thus far, the contract had worked out well for both companies and the relationship between them was good, but the two groups were about to enter a new phase in the agreement. OMSA was CSC’s first outsourcing contract in South Africa. The focus during the first three years had been on establishing the relationship between the two companies and bedding down systems and procedures.

08 August 2023

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)

This is a background note on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in South Africa. The note defines and explains PPPs as an alternative service delivery option for the public sector, highlighting the legislation that governs PPPs and the Project Cycle. The debate for and against the PPP option for service delivery and PPP performance are examined.

Case relevant to the following topics:  Public Sector service delivery, Other, Strategy

08 August 2023

Pick 'n Pay Extortion Crisis

Part A of the case is set on the morning of 13 May 2003, when Sean Summers, chief executive officer (CEO) of Pick 'n Pay, one of South Africa's largest supermarket chains, received a registered parcel containing three items of food and a letter. The letter said that these items had been poisoned and that, unless Pick 'n Pay cooperated and paid over a sum of money, the author would put poisoned food items on Pick 'n Pay shelves.

08 August 2023

eNaTIS: What Went Wrong?

It was the beginning of December 2001. The revised “go live” deadline of 1 March 2002 for IST’s ERP implementation programme was approaching fast and Nico Scholtz, IST’s ERP project manager was not sure that the system would be ready by that date. Moreover, there appeared still to be some strong internal resistance to the system. Scholtz had to recommend a course of action to IST CEO, Harry Coetzee. This is the third in a series of three cases that looks at the ERP implementation process at IST.

No. Pages: 12 

08 August 2023

Pamodzi Investment Holdings: To List or Not to List?

In January 2008, the black-owned Pamodzi Investment Holdings (PIH) was at a crossroads, as its chief executive officer (CEO), Ndaba Ntsele, sat down with his board to discuss how to finance the growth of the business. Ntsele and co-director, Solly Sithole, had founded PIH’s predecessor, Pamodzi Property Developers, and grown it from nothing in 1979 to a multi-million rand concern, using only debt finance and working capital.

08 August 2023

Old Mutual: Breaking into the Mass Market

It was November 2014 and just three months since Old Mutual, a well-established, global financial services group, had launched the 2-in-One Savings product to target the South African retail mass market. Anele Mbuya, senior marketing actuary for Old Mutual’s Retail Mass Market, wondered whether the product’s marketing strategy needed to be revitalised for it to achieve the sales forecasts for the next operating period.

08 August 2023

Netflorist: Maintaining Momentum

Netflorist managing director Ryan Bacher’s wife always gets flowers for Valentine’s Day. His mother always gets some for Mother’s Day. But neither sees him for days around those periods. His head is buried in flowers and gifts, and his mind is racing ahead to ensure that no bouquets are dropped.

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